Basic Maths application is very useful app for beginers to the maths.
Develop your basic math skills through fun and intuitive games makes learning math fun right from the beginning.
As a learner start to learn what numbers are, we understand learning numbers & maths should be as fun as possible! good application for math learning beginers.
This is a Math quiz and basic maths quiz app for beginers.
Basic Maths also comes with a number of features that help adults monitor and manage their progress.
Basic Maths levels are useful to increase or decrease the difficulty, or check report cards to see scores for previous rounds.
Basic Maths application has following Question Categories :
1. Less than and Greater than comparisions.
2. Addition
3. Subtraction
4. Multiplication
5. Division
6. Tables
This Basic Maths application will improve the learners mathematical skills and improve confidence levels.